• Fiber optic solutions

    PM-PS High Power Polarization Maintaining Solution

Polarization Maintaining - Power Solution (PM-PS)

The continuous growth in the laser technology has broadened the requirements for more complex and higher performance systems. Specific applications demand the combination of multiple features that allow supporting polarization maintaining (PM) properties in the presence of higher optical power densities. 

Diamond offers power solution (PS) optical interfaces that support both requirements. The Diamond PM-PS interface addresses the reliability issues related to optical power densities close or above the damage (or safety) threshold for single mode fibers and the propagation of polarization information. Our PM contact solution can be implemented on all connector types integrated with a keying mechanism for polarization orientation purposes and is compatible with Diamond's Power Solution technology. 


PM-PS applications are expanding due to the novelty and uniqueness of the solution. Some applications include: 

  • Lidar
  • Optical fiber laser systems and amplifiers
  • Sensing

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